St Francis Catholic Primary School a Voluntary Academy

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Head's Welcome

Welcome to St. Francis Catholic Primary School and thank you for visiting our school website. We hope that you find the information you are looking for and that you get a “flavour” of the Catholic Life of our school as well as our recent events and successes.

As a Catholic school, we strive towards providing a curriculum and learning environment that ensures every child achieves and makes the most of their talents given to them by God. We recognise that Christ is our greatest teacher and strive to be more like him in what we say and what we do. We strive to create an environment where every member of our community feels safe, loved, valued and respected.

This is driven by our vision 'To be a consistently outstanding Catholic Primary School in everything we do, every day.' and underpinned by our mission statement which puts Christ at the centre of all we do.

“Together we are exploring our special gifts; Together we are growing towards God.”

We have high expectations for every child and believe strongly that the unique achievements and contribution of every child should be celebrated and valued. By choosing to send your son/daughter to our school we have become your partners in the education and well-being of your child. We place no limits on what a child can achieve and seek to work in partnership with our parents so that every child experiences success and works to the best of their ability.

Our school is part of The Blessed Christopher Wharton Catholic Academy Trust (BCWCAT). More information regarding our trust can be found here: Blessed Christopher Wharton, Catholic Academy Trust - Home (

As a school, we want our pupils to be excited about coming to school and excited about their learning. We want them to be curious about the world they live in and ask us (and you) lots of questions. Most importantly we want our pupils to see themselves as learners who put no limit on what they can achieve.

God Bless

Mrs Andrea Haines                                                                                         
