St Francis Catholic Primary School a Voluntary Academy

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(Personal, Social, Health Education)

“You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think” Christopher Robin.


Our vision at St Francis is to give children a Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education that will develop the knowledge, skills and attributes that they need to manage their lives, now and in the future in modern day Britain. Our aim is that our children will thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. We intend to help pupils to manage many of the most critical opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face growing up.  By the time children leave our school, we want our children to be able to enjoy safe and healthy relationships with adults and children, know how to keep themselves healthy both physically and mentally and feel confident in moving onto the next stage of their lives with high aspirations.


Our PSHE curriculum is based on the PSHE Association's programme of study, but is also carefully designed so that the specific personal, social and health needs of our children are met.  Many of the learning objectives are taught in other subject disciplines, particularly in our RE, Science and Computing curriculum.  We have taken the objectives not covered in these areas, plus objectives specific to our children's needs, and created units of work to achieve these objectives. These units of work are carefully sequenced so that knowledge, skills and vocabulary are progressive and to enable children to remember the content of their curriculum. 


Our PSHE curriculum removes numerous barriers to learning, clearing the way for our children to succeed in their academic studies while gaining invaluable knowledge and skills for life.  By teaching pupils to stay safe and healthy, helping them to navigate inevitable friendship issues and by building self-esteem, resilience and empathy, our PSHE teaching raises our children's aspirations, makes them feel safe and confident and improves the life chances of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged pupils. Children leave St Francis with the knowledge, skills and attributes to transition to their secondary education seamlessly, ready to take on the next opportunities, challenges and responsibilities with confidence so that they can continue making a positive contribution to their communities.

To read more information in detail about our PSHE curriculum, please see our PSHE policy here